We are happy to announce the addition of automobile appraisals. Our appraiser is certified in accordance with the Bureau of Certified Auto Appraisers and is licensed with the Independent Appraisers Certification Program. All of our appraisals comply with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, which is the generally recognized ethical and performance standards for the appraisal profession in the United States.

Some reasons why people get an automobile appraised:
- Buying a car and want to ensure they are paying a fair price.
- Selling a car and want to know how much to ask and have proof of the car’s value.
- Donating a car and want to write off the donation on their income tax return.
- Going through a divorce and their car is a shared asset that must be divided.
- Insuring a classic, collector or custom car and want an agreed-value policy.
- The bank requires it for financing a classic, collector or custom car.
- They desire to know exactly how much their car is worth.
- When involved in a not-at-fault accident and want to file a diminished value claim.
Visit our APPRAISALS page on our website for more information. Please contact us if you have any questions, need more information, or want to schedule an appraisal.