Welcome to our site!
Insight Auto Group was created to provide our customers and clients with quality consulting services and appraisals. We also have a blog page with news, tips, advice, and thoughts on everything automotive.
I have over 35 years of experience in buying and selling cars. I owned a car dealership that provided our customers with financing, warranties/service contracts, parts and accessories, automobile detailing, customizing, and repair. I’m a certified automobile appraiser in accordance with the Bureau of Certified Auto Appraisers and licensed with the Independent Appraisers Certification Program. My aforementioned experience allows me to provide our customers with the knowledge they need to make wise financial decisions regarding automobile ownership and all it entails. ​
My wife, Kimberly, is my business partner, administrative assistant, editor and more. We are a team that will do everything we can to offer services of value to our customers in order to ensure future success through repeat business and referrals. Please contact us with any questions or comments you may have. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Gerard LaDamus
Founder & Owner
Automobile Consultant
IACP Certified Automobile Appraiser